3600 PR.01 Student Employment Procedures

Revision Date: 
September 6, 2023


1.      Overview

2.      Hiring Student Employees

3.      Reporting Time Worked

1. Overview

This procedure supports Policy 3600 Student Employment and Student Stipends and describes several of the procedures related to the student employment lifecycle.  These procedures are administered by the Office of Student Employment (“SEO”).

2. Hiring Student Employees

Per Policy 3600 Student Employment and Student Stipends, Section 3600.2, “Yale requires that all student jobs be posted on the SEO website.  Further advertisement of posted positions is permitted, but not required.”  The hiring processes vary based on whether the position is hourly or non-hourly; each process is described below.

A. Hiring Hourly Student Employees

Prior to initiating the hiring process, the hiring manager should first obtain any approvals required by their unit.  The hiring manager (or designee) then begins the SEO hiring process by accessing the SEO website and logging into the Supervisor or Business Office Control Panel.  The Control Panels guide the user through the following steps:

  • Completing the online job posting form, which includes the Job Profile and wage level definition;
  • Reviewing online applications from students;
  • Setting up interview times with potential student employees using the “View Applicants” feature of the Control Panel; and
  • Notifying the selected student.

Once the user selects a student, the hiring unit’s business office representative continues the SEO hiring process by accessing the SEO website and logging into the Business Office Control Panel to review the pending hire request.

Once the hiring unit’s business office representative reviews and approves the pending hire request, SEO completes the hiring process and sends a confirmation email to the student that notifies the student of their selection and of the onboarding forms that must be completed via Workday prior to starting the job.

The student employee is responsible for completing the Federal and State W-4 forms and their part of the I-9 form online.  The student then brings the required supporting documents to the 221 Whitney Avenue I-9 Center for completion.

New student hire information is sent to Workday daily and an employment record is created in the Student Employment supervisory organization on the Weekly pay schedule.

B. Hiring Non-Hourly Student Employees

Prior to initiating the hiring process, the hiring manager should first obtain any approvals required by their unit.  The hiring manager (or designee) then begins the SEO hiring process by accessing the SEO website and logging in as a “Business Officer.”  A current user with Business Officer access to the hiring unit’s information can request and grant access to additional Business Officer users by submitting the “Add/Change Access for a User” request form.

The Business Officer continues the hiring process by creating an “award” in their unit’s section for the total amount of the planned payment.  The Business Officer also assigns charging instructions at the time the award is created.

The Business Officer then either creates a new position or selects an existing position to use.  Students receiving non-hourly payments must be hired into a position.

New student hire information is sent to Workday daily, and an employment record is created in the Student Employment supervisory organization on the Weekly pay schedule.

3. Reporting Time Worked

Per Policy 3600 Student Employment and Student Stipends, Section 3600.4, “Non-hourly student employees are not required to submit timesheets.  Rather, their payments are calculated based on the award amount and dates of the hire.”

For hourly student employees, they are required to complete their eTimesheet on a weekly basis.  Supervisors must review eTimesheets and, if they approve, complete their approval by 3:00pm each Monday.  When there is a holiday during the week, the deadline may change.  All changes are posted on the Supervisor and Business Office Control Panels.

To accomplish this:

  • The student employee accesses the SEO website and logs in as themself;
  • The student employee completes their eTimesheet through the SEO website on a weekly basis;
  • Once the student employee submits the eTimesheet, it becomes available for review by the supervisor;
  • The supervisor accesses the SEO website and logs into the Supervisor Control Panel; and
  • The supervisor reviews and, if they approve, timely indicates that approval.