Upcoming Space Function Survey training session

February 9, 2022


  • Lead administrators, operations managers, or other designated staff members, who oversee schools or departments that occupy research space are asked to participate in a Space Function Survey training session in March 2022.
  • This course will be led by the Space Function Survey team and is intended to help departments better prepare for the upcoming Space Function Survey, which will take place from April to July 2022.
  • Action items are detailed below.


As communicated on October 29, 2021, the University is in the process of developing its Facilities & Administrative (F&A) cost rate, with FY22 serving as the base year for our next calculation. An important step in this process is the Space Function Survey, which provides statistics to help the institution demonstrate how its facilities’ costs support sponsored research. Research space to be considered in the Space Function Survey includes wet labs, dry labs, computational labs, and research core space. If your schools or departments occupy research space, please see the action items below.

From April to July 2022, the Central F&A team will conduct the Space Function Survey of department research space with faculty, lead administrators, and other department business operations staff to ensure consistency across the university. To help schools and academic departments better prepare for this process, the Central F&A team will hold several Space Function Survey training sessions in March 2022.

If you oversee any research space, we ask that you:

  • Attend a Space Function Survey training session in March 2022. Please register via the Training Management System (TMS) in the Finance > Other Finance section.
  • Participate in the Space Function Survey during April - July 2022.

Thank you for supporting the university’s F&A rate project. If you have any questions on the Space Function Survey process, please feel free to reach out to any of the F&A rate team members - Jie LiuAndrea Hemberger, David Kolek or Nikita Guryakov.