Policy & Procedure updates - April 12, 2023
April 12, 2023
The following draft documents, which have completed the committee stages of their formal review, are now available for community review and comment and are posted on the Policies & Procedures Drafts page. The documents will be posted on the drafts site for 2 weeks. Please discuss the documents with the appropriate people in your department and send any applicable feedback to controllers.office@yale.edu.
Policy 2100 Revenue Principles, General
Related documents:
- Policy 2100 Revenue Principles, General – Revised
- Procedure 2100 PR.01 Executing Revenue Agreements – Revised
- Procedure 2100 PR.02 External Sales Approval Process – Revised
This Revised policy and related procedures are proposed by the Controller’s Office, in consultation with the Office of General Counsel (OGC) and the External Sales Approval Process (ESAP) Committee (collectively the “policy sponsors”). All three documents received updates, the substance of which is outlined below.
Policy 2100 was updated to include the definition of “Mission-Related,” direct users to additional guidance related to various accounting topics, for consistency with updates to the related procedures, and to streamline the Roles & Responsibilities outlined.
Procedure 2100 PR.01 was updated to align with the current procedures for each category of revenue agreements. Contacts are included for each section and the responsibilities of the parties involved were streamlined.
Procedure 2100 PR.02 was updated in response to a deep dive performed by the ESAP Committee to drive efficiencies in the process and accurate descriptions of the reviews performed. ESAP steps previously not mentioned in PR.02 were added, including a review performed by the YSM Associate Controller for YSM units, OSP’s involvement for requests where confidential information will be received from the external customer, and the ESAP Owner’s preparation of the Approval Plan, which outlines the ongoing responsibilities of the Requestor resulting from the ESAP reviews performed.
Each of the documents also received non-substantive, clarifying revisions to enhance clarity and consistency between the documents.
To review the draft documents, please visit the Policies & Procedures Drafts page.
Always check the Policies & Procedures web page for the latest revisions of all documents. This will ensure you that are utilizing the most up-to-date version.
If you have any questions, please contact Policy & Compliance Services at controllers.office@yale.edu.