Supplier Banking Setup: FAQs & info session presentation and recording available
June 21, 2023
The Accounts Payable Supplier Banking Changes Information Session deck and recording and FAQs have been posted to the Procurement website and are available to view.
Information Sessions were held from May 15 through May 22 to review the changes to Supplier Setup forms 3401 FR.01: Supplier Payment Setup: Wire Transfer and 3401 FR.02 Supplier Payment Setup: ACH/EFT that became effective on May 26, 2023. As a reminder the forms were updated to:
- make the setup process easier and more accurate;
- reduce send-backs and re-work associated with incomplete banking information; and
- minimize the delays in processing banking setup or changes.
The information sessions covered the following topics:
- overall process for banking changes
- form approval sequence
- role of the requestor vs. supplier in the banking change process
- form updates designed to minimize the delays in processing
- the impact of incorrectly completed forms on the cycle time
- updates to the required forms to set up or make ACH or wire changes
- review of the new directions, checklists, and Wire Reference Tool embedded in the forms
Reference Material
For those unable to attend the information sessions held in May, the following resources are now available:
- Accounts Payable Supplier Banking Changes information session recording
- Accounts Payable Supplier Banking Changes information session presentation
- FAQs
- Updated forms:
- Wire Reference Tool
For questions, please contact the Finance Support Center at