Payment processing updates
July 19, 2023
Wire payments
Going forward, when entering Supplier Invoice Requests with a payment method of Wire or FXWire, do not include any type of symbol, punctuation mark, or special character other than letters or numbers, in the header business purpose memo field. If characters other than letters and numbers are entered, Bank of America might reject the payment.
Accounts Payable processes check payments on Mondays and Wednesdays:
- Monday: All approved transactions with a due date through Wednesday are paid.
- Wednesday: All approved transactions, with a due date through the following Monday, are paid (if Monday is a holiday, we pay all transactions through Tuesday).
Checks, with instructions to hold for pick up at 2 Whitney Grove (2WGS), are sent to Treasury Services, and will be available the following day. The preparer will receive an email alerting them that their check is available for pickup. Please do not try to pick up checks at 2 Whitney until the designated contact receives a notification email.
Due to hybrid work schedules, staff who create and distribute check payments, are in the office on Mondays and Wednesdays only.
Other payments
ACH, Wires, Zelle and SUA payments are paid every business day of the week (Monday – Friday)