Policy & Procedure updates - Sept. 6, 2023

September 6, 2023

The following policy documents, which previously completed their full review and approval process, are now published and effective. Please discuss the documents with the appropriate people in your department and send any questions to controllers.office@yale.edu.

Policy 3600 Student Employment

Documents for review:

This policy and procedure come from the Provost’s Office and Student Employment Office (the “policy sponsors”). While the policy is new in this format, it does not substantively change existing principles that have historically existed in a procedural document (Procedure 3503 PR.17 – now retired and replaced by the proposed documents). Rather, the intention behind these documents is to relocate policy statements into a formal policy document while maintaining the supporting procedural processes in a distinct document. This will help to clarify and distinguish between true policy and process steps. In addition, both documents received some minor updates to language and terminology to enhance clarity and align the documents with current expectations and practices.


Always check the Policies & Procedures web page for the latest revisions of all documents. This will ensure that you are utilizing the most up-to-date version.