New YaleSites platform launch 

October 11, 2023


YaleSites has undergone a transformation and is now available to those ready to rebuild their websites! Visit to:


The new YaleSites launch represents the culmination of a three-year project sponsored by Yale ITS and the Office of Public Affairs & Communications (OPAC) that will help make Yale’s digital presence more unified, inclusive, user-focused, standardized, and sustainable. The university partnered with an outside vendor, Four Kitchens, to create the new YaleSites platform.

Websites previously identified as self-service can now be rebuilt with an easy-to-use, feature-rich platform that empowers site builders and editors to build beautiful web assets via an authoring experience that doesn’t require coding. According to Hadar Call, Director, Advancement & Web Technology, Enterprise Applications, ITS, this will result in a better digital presence for Yale.

“The new YaleSites platform uses a unified code base to ensure we meet Yale identity and accessibility standards across our web assets. It allows site creators to focus on content instead of code and encourages creative freedom for effective storytelling. Our team is very proud of the build experience we’ve created, and we believe it will result in more engaging websites that reflect Yale’s standard of excellence.”

The project recently ended a soft launch period, which included site builders from across the university. According to Website Manager Justin Laing, building Yale’s 2023 United Way Campaign website on the new platform was a great experience.

“Migrating and adding new content to the new YaleSites platform is easy and efficient. The interface is intuitive, adding content is straightforward, and the pre-styled components offer a new and refreshing look to how content is displayed. Along with the design and interface, I am pleased with the accessibility of the platform and the tools provided to ensure that every site is inclusive. Overall, I am very satisfied with the final product and excited to continue using the new platform.”

Members of the YaleSites community can attend live demos over the coming weeks.

Please Note: Rebuilding a website on the new platform within a specific period is not required. A long-term support plan for Drupal 7 sites is in place.


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