Career Spotlight - Raina Sorgenti

April 10, 2024

How long have you been with the Yale?


I have been at Yale for over 15 years – started early October of 2008.

What does your job entail?

Since assuming the role of Director of Operations for Talent Acquisition several months ago, I am focused on leading key operational areas: Tools & Technology, Data Analytics & Vendor Management, and Operational Excellence & Efficiency. To drive strategic impact, I’ve established the following visionary strategies:

  1. Technology Optimization for Talent Acquisition:
    This strategy aims to create a robust and efficient talent acquisition ecosystem through the implementation of advanced tools and technology. Our goal is to streamline the hiring process, align with our RSI NorthStar, and enhance the user experience for our team within HR, hiring managers and candidates. This will also foster greater points of collaboration all throughout Yale.
  2. Data-Driven Talent Acquisition:
    This strategy emphasizes building a data-centric culture within Talent Acquisition. By effectively managing data, utilizing advanced analytics, and establishing strategic vendor partnerships, we can optimize operational efficiency and make data-driven decisions to achieve talent acquisition goals.
  3. Building an Operationally Efficient Talent Acquisition Team, driven towards Excellence:
    This strategy focuses on cultivating a high-performing talent acquisition team recognized as a strategic partner in achieving alignment with our clients’ objectives. Our approach fosters continuous process improvement, prioritizing both team member well-being and career development. We further leverage data analytics to identify and implement best practices that attract, recruit, and retain top talent.

How would you recommend someone interested in the same career/vocation pursue a similar path?

Early in my career, a mentor advised me to embrace new challenges, actively participate in project committees and ‘say yes’ when asked to try new responsibilities. Their philosophy underscored the importance of continuous learning and exposure to diverse situations. I took this advice to heart.

Over my career, a core leadership principle I’ve embraced is continuous learning and development. This approach has expanded my skillset and prepared me for increasingly complex roles.

In 2009, I stepped outside my comfort zone by accepting a newly created Recruiter position focused on labor recruitment in a unionized environment. This was a new and complex area for me, and further provided invaluable insights into Yale, as well as fostering strong relationships that remain intact today.

Leveraging this foundation, I then accepted responsibility to build and manage Yale Temporary Staffing Services (YTSS) in 2010/11. Despite lacking prior leadership experience, I grasped onto role. By partnering with HR colleagues and actively seeking guidance, I successfully established YTSS. This initial leadership experience proved to be a pivotal point in my career, as I found being a leader who mentors and guides a team was something I enjoyed.

This experience paved the way for a promotion into the newly created position of “Manager of Labor Recruitment” in 2012. Further developing my leadership and talent management skills, lead to a promotion to another newly created role, the “Associate Director of Labor Recruitment and Temporary Placement Programs” in 2014.

Not being complacent in my development, I transitioned to a newly created role as the “Associate Director of Absence Management” within the Benefits team in 2016. Although unfamiliar with leave administration and workers’ compensation, my experience in embracing new challenges and successfully applying transferable skills gave me the confidence that I would be able to lead the team.

Raina Sorgenti's career timeline.

My career path demonstrates the power of continuous learning and embracing new opportunities. Actively pursuing stretch assignments and utilizing transferable skills are invaluable strategies for professional growth.

Tell us something about your professional development journey.

As mentioned, I’ve regularly sought opportunities for professional development. This includes networking with leaders across campus and within HR to gain diverse perspectives and identify potential career paths. One particularly valuable piece of advice came from a member of our Senior Leadership Team (SLT), who suggested I define my ideal role, rather than attempting to fit myself into the positions that existed at that point in time, as they might not fully align with my aspirations.

This advice resonated deeply. I immediately drafted a job description outlining my ideal role’s responsibilities. With a defined role in mind, I could then focus on identifying when the right opportunity appeared, that would leverage my strengths and generate internal enthusiasm.

My current role embodies this vision. It allows me to combine my passions for data, analytics, process improvement, and operational efficiency. Furthermore, I have the privilege of collaborating with a talented team and HR partners to achieve our shared objectives. While it took time and focused effort to find this ideal fit, it was well worth the investment.

Who inspired you to pursue the career you have today?

My initial insight into HR began with an internship at General Electric (GE) when I was in college. This experience sparked my interest in the field due to its unique ability to combine my passion for data analysis with a people-centric environment focused on solving strategic business challenges. I still recall the leader of that team, Pam, who left a lasting impression. She possessed exceptional communication skills, consistently demonstrating a deep understanding of both the big picture and the intricate details that drive successful outcomes. Her strategic use of data in problem-solving was highly impactful. Perhaps most importantly, Pam seamlessly integrated humor into her work style, making an immediate and lasting impression that HR professionals could be productive, strategic, and hardworking, all the while still enjoying their work.

What’s the best advice you can give to someone who just started their career?

A few thoughts pop into mind:

  • Self-Compassion and Growth: Recognize that professional development is a lifelong journey. Embrace challenges and setbacks as opportunities for learning and refinement.
  • Confidence and Self-Awareness: You are in your role because of the valuable contributions you do, and can make in the future. Maintain a healthy level of self-belief while remaining open to feedback and continuous improvement.
  • Embrace Mistakes as Learning Experiences: Everyone makes mistakes, but the key is turning them into learning opportunities. I implemented a “lessons learned” document where I track feedback and mistakes, with the goal of avoiding repetitive errors.
  • Build Strong Relationships: Cultivate positive and collaborative relationships with colleagues. These individuals will be invaluable partners, mentors, and sources of advice.
  • Actively Listen and Explore: Be an active listener, seeking to understand diverse perspectives. Embrace opportunities to step outside your comfort zone and try new things to expand your skillset and understanding.

What are the toughest challenges you’ve had at work?

Throughout my tenure in HR, I have consistently taken on newly created roles (6 so far!). Each role presented unique opportunities for growth, while requiring a continuous learning approach.

To ensure success in these roles, I proactively pursued knowledge through various methods – research and reading, seeking guidance from subject matter experts, and participating in relevant training programs.

As I have mentioned above, venturing into unfamiliar areas (roles or projects) inevitably involves missteps. I’ve had quite a few, and accepted / owned each experience, viewing mistakes as stepping stones within my professional journey.

I firmly believe in the power of a growth mindset. The notion that skills, abilities, and knowledge can be continuously developed fuels my ongoing pursuit of improvement. This perspective allows me to approach new challenges with confidence, understanding that I may not have all the answers on day one, but with dedication, I can acquire the necessary expertise. I’ve learned not to shy away from admitting my limitations or owning my mistakes. Expressing uncertainty or lack of knowledge allows me to seek clarification, gain new perspectives, and leverage the expertise of colleagues and managers.

Who are some of your biggest inspirations within Yale?

One of the greatest joys throughout my years at Yale continues to be the opportunity to collaborate with an exceptional team of HR professionals. Each team member brings a unique set of skills and expertise to the table. With that said, I am unable to select one or even a handful. I’ll share my broad observations though. I’m continually impressed by seeing:

  • Passion for the Work: Team members engaged in their work, finding personal fulfillment in contributing to Yale’s success.
  • Communication Excellence: Team members who possess strong communication skills, able to articulate complex ideas clearly and influentially.
  • Strategic Vision: Visionaries who demonstrate a strategic mindset, consistently aligning their efforts with Yale’s broader goals.

I actively seek to learn from the styles and perspectives I observe, attempting to integrate the styles of those who inspire me, into my own leadership approach.

What have been some of the most important lessons you’ve learned throughout your career?

Embrace Challenges and Seek Growth: I’ve regularly sought opportunities to expand my skillset and leadership capabilities. This has involved taking on new projects, venturing into unfamiliar areas, and increasing my level of independent decision-making. While stepping outside one’s comfort zone can be initially challenging, I’ve embraced this approach as a catalyst for growth.

Learning from Successes and Setbacks: Both successful and unsuccessful outcomes teach valuable lessons. Successful projects allow me to appreciate the value of risk-taking and the confidence that comes from achieving challenging goals. Conversely, less successful projects provide opportunities to identify areas for improvement and refine my approach.

What has been your most meaningful accomplishment so far?

Throughout my career, I’ve consistently leveraged transferable skills and a balanced, mindful approach to achieve impactful results. While navigating various roles in my years within Yale’s HR team, I’m proud of several key accomplishments:

  • Yale Temporary Staffing Program (YTSS): In 2011, I spearheaded the launch of YTSS, a university-wide program that successfully addressed C&T temporary staffing needs.
  • Staffing department Reorganization (2012): I led the labor recruitment team through a restructuring effort, resulting in improved efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Building the Absence Management Department (2016): I played a pivotal role in establishing the Absence Management department, streamlining leave administration and workers’ compensation processes.
  • Co-sourced Staff Leave of Absence Model (2018): I collaborated on developing and implementing a co-sourced model for university-wide staff leaves of absence, leading to improved service delivery.
  • State Paid Leave Integration Program (2021-2022): I designed and launched a program integrating state-paid leave with existing university benefits, ensuring compliance and employee support.
  • Benefits Integration and Staff ADA Collaboration (2023): I was involved in integrating various benefit components with absence management and collaborating on the launch of the Staff ADAAA program, further enhancing employee support and well-being.

Personal Facts

While maintaining my professional work schedule, I strive to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Maintaining my own well-being is crucial for effective leadership. I prioritize activities that promote both physical and mental health, such as exercise, dedicated family time, and meditation. A strong support network of family and friends, and having connectivity time, further contributes to a sense of balance.

As a parent of two young children, I understand the importance of fostering their growth and development while nurturing a strong family bond. Effective communication and organization are key; we utilize various tools to ensure everyone is aware of schedules and commitments. We engage in activities and sports that build upon their expressed interests, self-confidence, and mindfulness.

Outside of work and family, I feel obligated to share something that most within HR already know, and that is my passion for the Philadelphia Eagles football team. This connection stems from my upbringing and family ties to the city of Philadelphia. I was born, and lived, 20 minutes outside the city. My grandparents (who were season ticket holders for the VET) and my father were super-fans, having Eagles memorabilia all around the house. I find that following Eagles football offers a genuine happiness from within (win or lose), a fond remembrance of family members, and an opportunity to connect with friends, and colleagues, over similar interests.

Org Chart and Goals

View Organization

The TA org structure was implemented this year on February 1st. I have recently finalized my several-year strategy roadmap, and as a result, will soon be designing SMART goals collaboratively with the TA Operations team.