IT Learning: Call for lightning round presenters and updated AI course

May 9, 2024

IT at work - call for lightning round presenters

Have you ever had the experience of watching someone close to you explain to another person what you do? Have you ever been amused (or baffled) by how other people understand your work?

On June 17, we’re asking IT staff across central and distributed IT to present five-minute lightning round presentations on the work you do. What do you do that keeps the university running? What is your piece of the technical sausage, and how is it made? Cue up that PowerPoint deck and give us the answer your friends and family can’t.

We’re in need of presenters and want to emphasize that this is a fun, stress-free event. We strongly encourage anyone who wants to shine for five minutes to step up and share their best. The more you can explain your work in terms that all IT staff can understand, the better! Reserve your presenter spot here or reach out to for more details.

IT Foundations: Artificial Intelligence course revised

The IT Learning & Development team has recently revamped the IT Foundations: Artificial Intelligence (AI) course. We updated the course, first introduced to Yale staff with the launch of Workday Learning in late January, for version 2.0 by adding several new modules to provide more coverage of basic AI concepts and terms. These include improved figures to demonstrate main concepts, links to external surveys covering the state of AI and visual explanations of AI technology, a Try-It-Yourself module, and information about privacy and security guidelines staff should remember when interacting with AI chatbots. We also expanded the Further Learning section, with other resources provided at relevant points throughout the curriculum.

We encourage staff to make their way through the content and to provide feedback for future iterations at the survey link at the course conclusion.