ITS Calendar

May 9, 2024

We invite you to visit the new ITS Calendar - Power BI (login required) for upcoming events and deadlines provided by the business office, HR, CCI, SLT, ISO, the learning and development team, and more.

This calendar is intended specifically for members of ITS, as it includes details on our annual planning process, budget timelines, etc.

ITS teams wishing to post IT-related events to the ITS calendar can email

Note: The ITS Calendar - Power BI doesn’t replace the IT Calendar of Events (Bedework), and individuals who wish to promote their events more broadly should continue to do so by completing the ITS event submission form (requires CAS login). Publishing your broad-audience events on the IT Calendar of Events (Bedework) gives the option to cross-post to the University Calendar of Events hosted by the Office of Public Affairs and Communications for increased visibility and options to specify the intended audience for the event.