Policy & Procedure update: Policy 2202 Endowment Spending and Distributions 

March 1, 2023

The following policy document, which previously completed its full review and approval process, is now published and effective. Please discuss the document with the appropriate people in your department and send any questions to controllers.office@yale.edu.

Policy 2202 Endowment Spending and Distributions

Related documents:

  • Policy 2202 Endowment Spending and Distributions New

This policy originates from Finance (the “policy sponsor”), with Gift Administration within the Controller’s Office as the primary subject matter experts. While the policy is new in this format, it does not change existing principles that have historically lived in other formats (e.g., website information, memoranda, etc.). As such, the principles contained in this policy are likely familiar.

This policy is intended to cover the university’s Endowment Spending Policy (“Spending Policy”) and distributions made in accordance with the Spending Policy. It describes the University’s Spending Policy, which attempts to balance the objectives of preserving purchasing power and providing substantial current support. It also describes the distribution methodology for gifts invested in the endowment. The intention behind formalizing this policy in the university’s policy library is to allow for broad accessibility and ensure a single published source for this information.


Always check the Policies & Procedures web page for the latest revisions of all documents. This will ensure you that are utilizing the most up-to-date version.

If you have any questions, please contact Policy & Compliance Services at controllers.office@yale.edu.