Three recognition tips to keep in mind
Keep a list of your staff member’s anniversaries and years of service
We will help you with this. In mid-summer, you will receive via e-mail, a list of your staff members’ anniversary dates and years of service for the new fiscal year (July 1 to June 30). If you have questions regarding an honoree’s anniversary, please contact Employee Services at or 203-432-5552.
Familiarize yourself with staff recognition policies
For guidelines on the use of university funds for staff recognition, see Policy 3303 - Gifts from University Funds. For more details, see Policy 3302 - Business Meals, Entertainment and Other Events.
One-size-doesn’t-fit all
Customize your recognition efforts and keep in mind that some individuals appreciate being honored publicly, and others—not so much. Consider your staff member’s preferences when selecting your approach to recognition. This is the true art of recognition!