Meeting Notes for Managers, December 2022

Below is a summary of university-wide news and workplace information for you to reinforce with your teams during staff meetings or via email updates:

Ycards are easy ways to share joy in the season
Take a moment this December to send messages of appreciation, recognition, and joy to your team with Yale’s “Happy Holidays” Ycard, and more.

Budget Update 2022-23
On December 16, Provost Strobel, Jack Callahan, senior vice president for Operations, and Stephen Murphy, vice president for Finance, sent out this message to faculty and staff members.

Healthy Yale—Testing the Right Way, and more
Visit the Yale Health website to learn about the differences between PCR and rapid antigen tests and when staff should use them.

A message on December 12 from Yale’s COVID-19 Coordinator, Stephanie Spangler, addressed this—“Flu and COVID-19 vaccine updates; COVID-19 testing before, during, and after winter recess; Reminders for safer travel and gatherings.” Read Healthy Yale message.

Employee Referral Program (ERP) extended to June 2023
A December 8 message from John Whelan to faculty, staff, and post-doc associates noted the success of the ERP —Yala has welcomes 160 new employees to Yale, including more than 50 diverse candidates, and 30 New Haven residents, and rewarded Yale employees with referral bonuses totaling more than $255,00. This success has led to its extension to June 23, 2023.

Yale-United Way 2022-2023
There is still time to contribute, through a monetary gift or the gift of time, to this year’s campaign “What Unites Us.” Share stories of other donors, including Dean of Yale College Pericles Lewis who is a long-time supporter of the organization.

Tax season is ruff
This tax season, make things easier with an electronic W-2. Beyond simplifying your personal tax filings, making the switch to an electronic W-2 also offers added privacy, security, and convenience. Consent to receive your W-2 electronically now through Sunday, January 15, 2023.

It is still flu-shot season
Remind your team members that flu shot scheduling is now available. You can find more information about the flu vaccine and why it is important on the Yale Health flu page. To learn more about how to get your flu shot and to self-schedule an appointment, please visit the Flu Shot Tool Finder.