Inside Public Safety

Pink Patches for cancer awareness

October 15, 2020

This October, the Yale Police Department (YPD) will again participate in the Pink Patch Project. A public awareness campaign, the Pink Patch Project is designed to bring attention to the fight against breast cancer and to support...

The power of kindness

October 9, 2020

Captain Von Narcisse has made it his life’s mission to help people. As a police officer, he’s helped hundreds of people over his 22-year career. Two years ago, driving into work, he didn’t hesitate to assist when he came upon a bad car accident on Interstate 95. He found out later that the woman...

Yale Police Department participates in Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training

September 9, 2020

The Yale Police Department (YPD) is committed to ensuring that all its officers are highly trained in crisis intervention. Recently, several YPD officers participated in the virtual 2020...

New Public Safety Patch

September 9, 2020

In early May, Yale Security unveiled their new patch (shown above left next to the old patch). The new patch reflects Security’s organizational affiliation within the Yale Public Safety umbrella. Yale’s standard logo is positioned at the top of the cloth patch–white against a Yale-blue...

Stress and coping - Tips and warning signs

August 18, 2020

It is truly an understatement to say that these are unprecedented and stressful times that we all are living in. Between COVID-19, the economic fall-out due to social distance requirements, anxiety about re-opening and returning to work, and the recent protests and social unrest, where can we...

Yale Central ID Center open by appointment

August 5, 2020

Beginning Monday, August 3, 2020, the Central ID Center will be open Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. by appointment only. This is being done to maintain social distancing. The Medical School ID Center will remain closed. Please...

Message from Chief Ronnell Higgins

July 17, 2020

To the Officers and Staff of Yale Public Safety,

In June, the University put out a statement on the Yale Police Department in the time of historic change. With it was a personal letter from me, I hope you got a chance...

Investment money management opportunities offered by TIAA and the University

July 10, 2020

Below is a list of investment and money management opportunities offered by TIAA and the University.

Social Security strategies for married couples Married couples can take advantage of some strategies that may help to increase lifetime Social Security benefits. You...

Coming soon: Transition from MyTime to MyTime Lite

June 11, 2020

This summer, most managerial and professional and clerical and technical staff, as well as faculty managers who are time card approvers, will transition to using MyTime Lite for time entry and approval. This supports Yale’s efforts to better secure our computing environment by reducing...

ID centers and buildings prepare to reopen

June 10, 2020

As the University begins phase one of reopening the campus, Yale’s ID Centers are planning to reopen during phases two and three. Over the past several months, both Yale ID Centers were closed due to the pandemic. During that time, the Public Safety Systems and Services staff continued to issue...

LiveSafe – Like a blue phone in your pocket

June 10, 2020

Five years ago, Yale Public Safety introduced the LiveSafe app to the campus community. During that time, over 16,000 Yale and New Haven community members have downloaded the app–turning their phones into mini safety devices. LiveSafe gives students, staff, and faculty on campus an...

COVID-19 - Resources

April 15, 2020

Facilities staff are encouraged to review workplace guidance and other university resources listed below:

COVID-19 HR workplace guidance...

Photo Memories of Sergeant Earnest Klotsche

April 6, 2020

I want to extend our condolences to the family of Sergeant Earnest (“Skip”) Klotsche who passed away this weekend. Sergeant Klotsche was a wonderful supervisor, and even more, Skip was a friend to many of us. The Klotsche family shared photos of Skip as a father, grandfather, and friend. Please...

Yale Security seeks CALEA accreditation for the first time

March 11, 2020

At the beginning of the year, Yale Security started working towards its first official CALEA * (Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies) accreditation. Attaining this accreditation provides objective evidence of an agency’s commitment to...

Yale Security Week 2020

February 20, 2020
Attend a Yale Security Week Session (March 16 - 20, 2020)

Yale Security Week is a series of presentations, tours, trainings and conversations highlighting safety, security and other topics of interest. This year we are offering approximately 50 different sessions and have invited experts from...

Safety Orientations – Educating the Yale Community

February 13, 2020

Throughout the year, Yale Police and Security meet with staff, faculty, and students to discuss safety tips and available security services . These include the LiveSafe App, lockout services, blue light...
