If you have visited the Yale Health Pharmacy, you may not have realized that your prescription was filled with the help of a six-feet-tall by six-feet-wide, stationary robotic dispenser. “The Max,” as it is nicknamed, counts, labels, caps, and alphabetically sorts hundreds of prescriptions per day. Its high-speed production enables the pharmacy staff to dispense medications for Yale Health’s 46,000 members. A barcode scanner and touchscreen ensure accuracy and allow staff to monitor workflow, and color-coded LED lights quietly signal when the machine needs attention.
On a recent morning, Gricelda Escobar, a pharmacy technician, was tasked with managing the Max as she prepared and dispensed medications for patients. Standing in front of a computer screen, she confirmed each of the queued prescriptions one by one.
“The machine takes its cue from our computer software system, and as it churns out the medications, I pull the filled bottles from each shelf,” said Escobar.
As helpful as it is, the robotic dispenser requires a human touch to function. Staff manually load it with the 200 most dispensed medications, and perform routine maintenance. A final inspection by a pharmacist always occurs before the Max dispenses medication to Yale Health Members.
Pharmacy staff are always on hand to ensure accuracy and that patients are getting the correct medication. “The health and well-being of our patients is our top priority,” said Escobar. “The Max, through its efficient prescription counting and removal of manual processes, allows our team to focus on two key aspects of our operation—enhancing the patient experience and ensuring the accuracy of the medications we dispense.”