ServiceNow platform to be upgraded in January

December 9, 2021

The Service Now Development and Support team is planning on upgrading the ServiceNow platform to the newest version, Rome, in the January timeframe.

The primary goal of the ServiceNow upgrade is to bring the platform forward to the most current version and take advantage of new features. A few of the new features that will either be evaluated after the upgrade or implemented during the upgrade include:

  • Contextual Search – The team will be implementing ServiceNow’s enhanced contextual search functionality. When creating an incident, you will see enhanced options for incident matching when populating the short description.
  • Multisource CMDB – With Multisource CMDB we can control and track what sources are updating which attributes to create a much better reconciliation process. Multisource also allows us to revert an attribute to a specific discovery source.
  • CAB Workbench - Ability to allow a delegate to capture CAB meeting minutes.
  • Field Service Management – Several new enhancements will be evaluated for implementation in the second half of FY22 as we kick off the configuration of the Field Service Management module.
  • DevOps Tool Integrations – The ServiceNow team will evaluate several new DevOps tool integration capabilities including the ability to integrate with several popular tools including Azure, GitLab, GitHub and Jenkins.

A targeted message will be sent in early January with the exact date of the upgrade, along with resources to answer any questions you may have.

Additionally, several changes will be implemented in the Knowledge module as we stand up the new Knowledge Process. Look for more information in this article.

Service Quality