Fit for Purpose Computing at Yale – MyApps Pilot for Mac users

April 14, 2022


The Yale Information Technology Services (ITS) Fit for Purpose Computing team is happy to announce that the virtual computing platform, MyApps at Yale, is now available as a pilot program to staff using Apple computers.

  • MyApps for Mac Users is now available for Yale employees.
  • The cloud-based, virtual environment will allow Mac users access to “Windows only” applications without installing additional software.


MyApps for Mac Users will allow access to “Windows only” applications such as Microsoft Office, Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Project, Power BI, Azure Data Studio, SQL Server Management Studio, and SAS, without the need for Bootcamp or the installation of virtual machine software on your Apple computer.

  • During the pilot phase, through FY22 and into FY23, there is no charge for this service. Determination of reasonable cost recovery will be part of the pilot process, and users taking advantage of MyApps for Mac will be apprised of the monthly cost following the pilot.
  • Staff wanting to request access to MyApps for Mac Users, please visit Virtual Services: Desktop & Applications.
  • Students and Faculty already have access to Yale Desktop via MyApps and do not need to request MyApps-Mac. If you would like more information on MyApps for Students and Faculty, please use the link provided above, and scroll down to MyApps for Students and Faculty.

As ITS continues to reimagine how we provide computing services, please watch for future communications on the Fit for Purpose Computing initiative.

Please check out the Virtual Services: Desktop & Application site for more information.

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