Community of Practice for Salesforce professionals - Nov. 1

October 12, 2023

The Community of Practice (CoP) for Salesforce Professionals is hosting a learning and knowledge event.

This CoP will host a full-day Salesforce learning event on Wednesday, November 1, from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Anyone interested in attending is encouraged to register to reserve their spot (requires login), and please join us in person at 165 Whitney Avenue, Room 2420. Breakfast and lunch will be provided, and parking is available.

An email with more information will follow for those who wish to join remotely. This event aims to increase cross-campus collaboration between staff members across various departments using the platform and help establish a community of users across the university. Through this training, participants will have the opportunity to hear from technical experts and learn how other departments are leveraging the platform to support the university with various use cases.

Planned sessions will cover Artificial Intelligence, Process Builder, Dev Ops, and Experience Cloud topics. The first two sessions, which include a panel discussion and a keynote speaker, are open to everyone, but later sessions may be better suited for those with technical roles. Participants may choose which sessions to attend based on their preferences, but all are welcome! We look forward to seeing you there!

One IT at YaleService Quality