Policy 3210 Purchase Contracts training available

October 25, 2023


  • The Procurement team is excited to announce that a new Purchase Contracts digital course is available. This course was developed to support the November 2022 Policy 3210 Purchase Contracts update.
  • The course will help you recognize situations that require a purchase contract, distinguish between the types of purchase contracts, and the appropriate documentation to prepare.
  • To access the two-part course, log onto the VPN and click on the following links:


As part of the OneFinance Strategic Initiative, the Finance Training and Development team, in partnership with the Procurement team, has developed a new Purchase Contracts eLearning Course.

In the digital Purchase Contracts course, you will learn about Policy 3210 and its associated procedures to help you recognize situations that require Purchase Contracts and prepare the appropriate documentation. This dynamic and engaging course is intuitive and will provide guidance and helpful tips in a way that’s interesting and easy to understand. We are excited to present this course as a valuable resource for those with experience in the purchase contract process and those who are new to the process. Purchase Contracts can be complex and nuanced. Experienced users will benefit from the enhanced clarity of the updated policy along with the course demonstrating the policy’s application through real-world scenarios. Those new to the process will gain the foundational knowledge to guide them.

This course is presented in two parts:

  • Part 1 covers the basics of Purchase Contracts and details about purchasing goods and services that require Purchase Contracts. You will learn:
    • about purchase contracts and when and how to interact with the team in the Procurement office.
    • which forms and documentation you need for common situations that require purchase contracts.
    • how to handle common situations that require purchase contracts.

Part 1 will take approximately 60 minutes to complete and is a pre-requisite to Part 2.

  • Part 2 covers the specific procedures for the different types of services that require Purchase Contracts. Purchase Contracts Part 2 is designed to be flexible. It is divided into lessons based on the type of purchase contract; feel free to complete the lessons that apply to your purchasing needs and skip the ones that don’t. Be sure to complete Part 1 before delving into Part 2.

The course is available on demand, so you can take it or use it as a reference when it is convenient for your schedule. To access the two-part course in TMS, log onto the VPN and click on the following links:


For questions about the policy update or the Purchase Contracts course, please contact the Finance Support Center at askfinance@yale.edu.