Expense report submissions and the holiday recess

December 6, 2023

Month-end and recess are upon us.  Before leaving for recess, individuals are expected to prepare and submit expense reports, with supporting documentation, within thirty days from the date the expense is incurred. This expectation applies to both PCard and out-of-pocket expenses.

For out-of-pocket expenses, individuals have a maximum of 119 days from the date the expense is incurred to submit and receive approval on the expense for reimbursement through the “Create Expense Report” function in Workday before the out-of-pocket expense becomes taxable. For taxable reimbursements, see Form 3215 FR.09 120-366 Day Taxable Expense Reimbursement.

For additional information on expense reports, please refer to Procedure 3215 PR.02 Yale Expense Management (PCard and Out-of-Pocket Expenses).