Possible action required: EliApps account data storage limits enforced

June 13, 2024

Google no longer offers free unlimited storage to higher education. In response, Yale has limited new EliApps accounts created after August 15, 2023, to 5GB of storage with all accounts affected by the following quotas starting September 30, 2024:

  • Faculty who joined Yale before August 15, 2023: 100 GB
  • All others who joined Yale before August 15, 2023: 20 GB
  • Anyone who joined Yale on or after August 15, 2023: 5 GB

On September 20, 2024, individuals with EliApps accounts that remain above these storage quotas cannot add new files until their data storage falls below the quota thresholds or they purchase additional storage. EliApps Mail will not be impacted and will remain fully functional.

Beginning November 1, 2024, stricter limits will be enforced:

  • Existing EliApps accounts over the quota limit will lose ALL access to Google Drive and Photos; these individuals will need to contact ITS to retrieve their files.
  • EliApps Mail will not be impacted and will remain fully functional.

Individuals are encouraged to migrate their data to preferred platforms. There will also be an option to purchase additional Google storage at a rate of $144 / TB / Year, with a 1TB minimum purchase. Additional purchase details will be made available soon.

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