Requisition to Purchase Order
A Purchase Requisition is Yale’s internal document used to initiate the purchase of a good or service. The Purchase Requisition will follow built-in Workday rules for the internal Yale approval process. Once a Purchase Requisition has been approved, a Purchase Order is generated and sent directly to the supplier.
A purchase order is an offer made by the University to a supplier to purchase goods and/or services according to certain terms and conditions. When the Supplier accepts the Purchase Order, a legally binding contract is formed.
- The University’s preferred and recommended method to obtain goods and services to conduct University business is the issuance of electronic purchase requisitions.
- Refer to Procedure 3201 PR.01 Purchase Order Process and the University Buying Guide.
- Purchase Purchase Requisitions are expected to be created prior to the commencement of work and the receipt of goods or services.
- All contracts, agreements and quotes requiring review and signature, that will be attached to the Purchase Requisition, must be sent to the Purchasing Intake Portal prior to initiating the Purchase Requisition.
- Purchase Requisitions are created in Workday with the “create Requisition” task.
- Both catalog (SciQuest) items and/or Workday non-catalog items can be added to the Purchase Requisition task. See Purchase Requisition Training Guides for complete guidance
- Purchase Requisitions can be created for one-time purchases, or for standing orders to the same supplier over a specified period-of-time.
- All Purchase Requisitions require department approval. Additional approvals may be required based on dollar threshold and/or purchase category (e.g., restricted items, chemicals, etc.).
- There are three Purchase Requisition types. Use the table below to determine the business need and the appropriate Purchase Requisition type.
Purchase Requisition Type | When to use |
01 – Standard Goods & Services |
02 – Standard Goods & Invoices, Requires Invoice Review |
05 – Capital Equipment |
- Following final approval of the Purchase Requisition, a PO is generated and sent to the supplier.
Order of Work | Action to Take | Essential Process Details/Helpful Tips |
1 | Read and understand Procedure 3201.PR01 Purchase Order Process | |
2 | Gather and prepare information about the purchase that you need to make. |
3 | Complete contract/agreement review and obtain Supplier’s and Procurement’s signatures before a purchase requisition is created. |
Order of Work | Action to Take | Essential Process Details/Helpful Tips |
1 | Create a Purchase Requisition |
Order of Work | Action to Take | Essential Process Details/Helpful Tips |
1 | Edit/Resubmit a Purchase Requisition |
Order of Work | Action to Take | Essential Process Details/Helpful Tips |
1 | Print a PO |
2 | Change a Standing Order PO |
3 | Close/Cancel a PO |
Order of Work | Action to Take | Essential Process Details/Helpful Tips |
1 | Monitor Purchase Order Status/Track Your Order |
2 | Run Workday Report: |
Task | Role |
Initiate/Create |
Change a Purchase Order |
Approve |
Monitor/Run Report(s) |
See a full list of Workday Roles.
- 3210 FR.05 Pricing Documentation (Comparative Pricing & Competitive Bidding)
- 3201 FR.06 Sole Source Documentation
- 3201 FR.04 Independent Cost Estimate
- 3210 FR.01 Services Agreement
- 3210 FR.02 Guest Speaker Agreement
- 3210 FR.04 Standard Performance Agreement
- 3210 FR.05 Statement of Work/Exhibit A to Services Agreement
- 3210 FR.06 Services Agreement for Freelance Photographers
- 3210 FR.09 Yale University Music Commission Agreement
- Purchase Order Quick Reference Guide
- Purchase Order Dashboard Tip Sheet
- Purchase Requisition Training Guides
- Purchasing Code of Ethics
- Purchase Order Terms and Conditions
- Invoice Checklist
- Flow-Down Clauses
- Insurance Requirements
- Signatory Index
- Purchasing Intake Portal Interactive Guide
- Purchasing Intake Portal User Guide
- Purchasing Intake Portal Infosession Guide
- Purchasing Intake Portal FAQs