Meeting Notes for Managers, October 2023

Below is a summary of university-wide news and workplace information for you to reinforce with your teams during staff meetings or via email updates:
Recognize how great they are
Surprise your team members and colleagues with a shout-out from Yale’s newly updated suite of Ycards. Send a “kudos”, “thank you”, or “happy birthday” card to bring some joy to their day! Also, get chatty and send your work buddies a lively message using Chat Stickers.
Honoring veterans
In November, Yale recognizes U.S. military veterans and their families for their service and support. Please join us for a Veterans Day ceremony on November 10, and explore additional information and related events, starting in November on the Belonging at Yale Engage webpage.
DEI and Belonging Toolkit now available in Manager Toolkit
The  Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Toolkit  is now accessible on Yale’s Manager Toolkit webpage. Developed by the Recruiting Strategic Initiative (RSI) team, the DEI and Belonging Toolkit educates and enables hiring managers to support the university’s Belonging goals, and establishes a foundation for more inclusive and equitable recruitment processes. Its release builds on other hiring manager resources, including an Interview Guide, an Interview Template, and a Candidate Evaluation Tool, which are located on the Manager Toolkit webpage. As you incorporate the DEI and Belonging Toolkit and previously released tools into your workflow, please partner with your Talent Acquisition Partner and share these resources with hiring stakeholders in your department to support the success of your next recruitment. 
Encourage participation in Yale-United Way
Now through December, promote the United in Purpose campaign. Encourage participation through donations, volunteering, and fundraising events.
Reconnect. It’s your job too. 
Take a hike. Reconnect with nature and enjoy the company of loved ones and friends. Use your paid time off to refresh and reset.
Don’t forget Child Care Subsidy reimbursement
Remind your team that the University is committed to providing support, resources, and benefits for working parents. The annual Child Care Subsidy Program for benefit-eligible faculty, managerial and professional staff, and postdoctoral associates and fellows is for infants to five-year-olds. Note: December 8 is the deadline for 2023 submissions. Register with VPN for upcoming information sessions. Questions? Email