Well-being is one of 12 dimensions in the 2019 Workplace Survey

December 2, 2020

The well-being dimension looks at employees’ health, wellness, work-life balance, and their environment.  

Lisa Kimmel, director of Wellness and Education at Yale Health, describes well-being as “a core value” in a workplace culture that “leaders and managers have the opportunity to create and sustain—leading with compassion, promoting accessible resources, and walking the talk nurtures a supportive, trusted environment where employees feel heard and can thrive.”

Low scores on this item in the 2019 Workplace Survey (WPS) indicate that leaders should be encouraging and supporting employees to develop plans and practices for improvement. High scores on this item indicate that leaders seek employee input on ways to sustain a high level of engagement.

2019 Survey Questions for Well-Being (five questions)

  1. University policies and programs help employees balance work & personal life responsibilities
  2. My manager is open to flexible work arrangements
  3. I do not feel stressed by my work responsibilities
  4. I am aware of Yale’s commitments to sustainability in the following areas:
    a) Food
    b) Buildings
    c) Waste Management
    d) Transportation
    e) Procurement/Purchasing
  5. I am aware of Yale’s commitment to health and well-being in the following areas:
    a) Tobacco Free Yale Assistance Program
    b) Yale’s virtual physical activity challenges
    c) Yale’s weight management offerings
    d) Yale’s commitment to stress management
    e) Yale’s meditation programs

Recommended Practices

  • Inform staff members about the resources, programs, and services offered via the WorkLife Program, Office of Sustainability, Being Well at Yale, or the Yale Stress Center
  • Coordinate a speaker to address your monthly staff meeting from either of these four offices: Sustainability, Being Well, Yale Stress Center, or Yale WorkLife.
  • Build relationships and partnerships with any of the above-mentioned departments/programs
  • Engage in annual programs sponsored by the above-mentioned departments by participating yourself and encouraging your staff to do so also
  • Enroll in classes offered by Being Well at Yale, Yale Stress Center and/or Yale WorkLife 
  • Host a Stress Management workshop for your team at your department’s location led by the Stress Center staff—can be coordinated by Being Well at Yale or Yale WorkLife
  • Attend or host a “Flextime in the Workplace at Yale” workshop through Yale WorkLife
  • Promote healthy lifestyles (or “well-being”) in your workplace: Communicate opportunities, and share success stories and lessons learned
    • Commit to having healthy meal choices at staff meetings and gatherings
    • Encourage Walking-Talking meetings to address health, wellness, & operational needs
    • Support requests for flexible work arrangements
  • Apply for a Being Well at Yale “Department Wellness Scholarship” to support a worksite wellness initiative
