Training and Access

This page contains recommended management training courses and a listing of recommended campus newsletters, meetings, and documents and lists that are helpful to operations managers. You’ll also find access and approval information for required systems and associated training.

Management Training

Operations Managers are recommended to complete management training to become a well-rounded operations manager. Explore manager training opportunities.

Recommended Newsletters and Meeting Announcements

Are you a lead administrator or operations manager and interested in staying informed? You’ll find a listing below of recommended newsletters and meeting announcements to help you stay up-to-date about news, important activities, and updates. 



  •  Business Operations Community Meeting (BOCM) announcements
    • Distribution: communications are sent to lead administrators and operations managers to share with their staff as appropriate
  • Central Campus Operations Manager’s meeting announcements
  • Faculty Administrative Services monthly information session
  • Office for Faculty Administrative Services (OFAS) meeting announcements

Documents and Lists

Required Access

The chart below identifies the systems, training, and approvals required to gain access. Please consult the  Business Office Guide to System Access to obtain systems access after you get approval.

System Name Training Required Needs LA Approval
AP Toolkit Yes No
AP Worklist Access No No
Casual Time Approval Yes No
Data Warehouse & Brio Classes Yes No
Drupal Training (if applicable) Yes No
GCA & GCFA Sponsored Awards Training Yes No
IRES (Proposal Development) Yes Yes
ISD - Ellucian International Scholar Dossier Training to onboard international students and scholars Yes No
JSA Approval (Grant & Non-Grant) Yes No
LDA Approval (Grant & Non-Grant) Yes No
Monthly Financial Management Checklist Training Yes No
Moveable Equipment Inventory No No
My Time Approval Yes No
RIF Training Yes No
SciQuest Approval No No
STARS for Post-Doctoral Fellows (if applicable) Yes No
Student Employment Office Approval Class No No
Workday Yes No
Yale Budgeting Tool (YBT) Yes Yes