Staff Service Recognition Program

Congratulations to Yale staff members celebrating milestone service anniversaries from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025.

25- to 50-year staff members were honored at the Long-Service Recognition celebration on May 13, 2043. To watch the 2023 Long-Service videos and view the yearbook, visit the Long-Service Recognition page.

Long–Service Recognition Dinner

Staff members celebrating milestone anniversaries beginning at 25 years of service are invited to attend the Long-Service Recognition Dinner. Honorees will receive information at their Yale email address about Long-Service Recognition activities in the months preceding the dinner.

Long–Service Recognition Slideshow and Yearbook

During the Long-Service Recognition dinner, a slideshow will display honoree photos. As a memento of the occasion, honorees will receive a Long-Service Recognition yearbook that contains their photo. Forty-five-year honorees and greater will also have an accompanying story about their service to Yale.

Service Anniversary Gifts

Beginning with the 10-year milestone anniversary, a wide selection of gift options is presented to honorees to select a memento of their time at Yale. Gift-ordering instructions for selecting a gift online accompany the certificate of appreciation in the same envelope. Gift selections include Yale-branded merchandise such as a Yale watch for 25-year honorees and a Yale chair/rocker for 30-year honorees on up. Jewelry and many other lifestyle gifts are also available. Shipping is via UPS to the honoree’s home address and typically takes four to six weeks for delivery.

In lieu of choosing a traditional gift in the online gift catalog, honorees may select a donation to the United Way of Greater New Haven or a tree planting on Yale’s campus in their honor. Learn more about the Staff Service Recognition tree-planting program in partnership with Yale’s Urban Resources Initiative at The School of the Environment.

Computer kiosks are available for ordering gifts located in the Employee Service Center, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. A representative will be available to assist in logging into the gift-ordering website.

Certificates of Appreciation

Every five years, beginning with five years of service to the university, staff members receive certificates of appreciation at their home addresses in the month preceding their anniversary dates.

For Supervisors

For each staff member celebrating a five-year milestone anniversary beginning with five years of service, supervisors receive an email notification a few weeks before the honoree’s anniversary date. At that time, supervisors are encouraged to create an email that will be automatically sent to the honoree on the anniversary date. Suggestions for honoring staff members are also included in the notification.

Supervisors of staff members celebrating 45 years or greater of service to the university will receive an email invitation to the Long-Service Recognition Dinner.


To find out your anniversary date and years of service, view your personal information in Workday or contact Employee Services at 203-432-5552 or Other questions regarding the program or event can be directed to Internal Communications at