Yale Parking FAQs
Yes, parking can still be used in these locations. However, Yale Daily Debit parking permits are not accepted in leased lots, and the daily fees set by the garage owner will apply.
Yes, you can cancel your monthly parking. Please submit a Cancellation Form.
Yes, there is a 30-day window from the date of cancellation to reinstate monthly parking at the previous location. If reinstatement occurs after the 30-day period, the individual will be placed on the waitlist and assigned to an alternative location.
Daily debit parking permits are valid only in Yale-owned lots and garages (not leased lots or garages). While preference is given to monthly parking permit holders, it may be possible to remain in the current Yale-owned location if space permits. Available daily parking locations will be provided, and the nearest location to the work site will be communicated.
Yes. You should fill out a Transfer Form. Openings will be filled as they are available. There may be a waiting list for your desired location.
With Pierson Sage Garage going offline in June for the construction of PSEB and a new parking structure, the spaces around Science Hill are being held for those who’s parking will need to be relocated. We expect availability to open back up when construction of the new parking structure is completed in December 2026.
Although it may seem like there are empty spaces in the lot, most lots are overallocated. Many people are still on hybrid schedules and may not park daily. Additionally, we need to take into account those with reciprocal access.
You can purchase daily debit parking permits by credit card in any quantity by contacting the parking office. Daily Debit parking permits are not transferrable and non-refundable. The number of stays purchased will be added to your university ID or parking card. Users are responsible for monitoring their remaining balance.
The Yale Parking Office offers a DDS option for those who prefer to pay for parking on a daily basis. Unlike the Monthly Parking option, DDS passes are not pre-tax and come with the following restrictions:
- Parkers are assigned to a location on a “first come, first served” basis by the Parking Office.
- The DDS location assigned may not be the same as the previous Monthly parking location for former Monthly parkers.
- Parkers returning to Monthly parking from DDS will be placed in the “first come, first served” queue for the requested lot, if a waitlist is in place.
- DDS passes are not valid in leased parking lots or garages.
Hybrid workers may choose to use Daily Debit Parking instead of a monthly parking pass. Information on Daily Debit Parking, occasional parking, and monthly parking options can be found on the Faculty and Staff Parking Rates page.
The New Haven Parking Authority owns the Temple Street Garage and has committed to the following:
- Increased NHPA patrols and staffing
- Extra staff added during peak hours 6p-2a
- Increased roving patrols by NHPA officers
- Increased patrols by NHPA’s on duty managers
- NHPD Patrols
- Assigned access control tickets to NHPD so officers/cruisers can easily access the facility
- Added deterrent patrols due to the recent uptick in activity.
Please contact the Parking Office (parking@yale.edu) if you have any concerns about safety in any of our leased garages.
Yale Public Safety provides several resources to enhance safety for the campus community. All students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to download the LiveSafe App, which offers access to real-time shuttle maps, walking escort services, lockout assistance, and more.
For those with safety concerns, the walking escort service is available. A Yale security officer will accompany individuals anywhere within the campus footprint, including from the workplace to the parking lot, as long as it is within a reasonable walking distance.
The parking office will issue a permit for your vehicle that must be displayed at all times when parking.
Parking is a “pre-tax” benefit for monthly parkers. Debit and prepay parkers do not receive this benefit.
Yale encourages members of its community who drive to work and do not participate in the Yale parking program to avoid parking on residential streets in neighborhoods surrounding the campus. The university supports New Haven’s residential parking zones to help maintain sufficient parking for local residents. Parking violations may lead to enforcement actions, including tickets, towing, or booting of vehicles. For assistance with parking, please contact the Yale Parking Office.
Some lots with uneven topography or only a few spaces are not candidates for designated Handicap/ADA spaces based on CT regulations.
If a Handicap/ADA space is not regularly available, parkers with accessibility needs may elect to use Yale’s Accessible Transit program. Users may sign up and learn more about Yale’s Accessible Transit program.
Based on parking program size, state regulations prescribe a minimum number of Handicap/ADA spaces. Parking in New Haven is in high demand, so a balance is required when allocating scarce resources. Yale’s ADA space allocation is currently more than double the state requirement.
Faculty and students should contact Yale’s Office of Institutional Equity and Accessibility and staff can contact the Employee Service Center’s Absence Management and Accommodations team. Both offices are available to help, provide advice and consultation on parking Accessibility needs.
Yes. In addition to Yale’s visitor lots, all ungated lots and select gated lots are available and free to park in from 5:00pm to 3:00am, Mondays – Thursdays and from 5:00pm Fridays through 3:00am Mondays. More information and exact locations can be found on the Parking web section.
In consultation with the PSEB faculty chairs and representatives from the Provost’s Office, the Parking team developed a prioritization process that is both data driven (using frequency of parking in Pierson Sage over the fall ’24 semester) and leverages a parker’s years of service to determine the reassignment order.
Yale Parking has determined your new assignment based on your parking frequency, years of service at the University, and the available capacity at each location.
Yes. You will be notified if/when an opening occurs.
Your access to PSG will be terminated on the date in your notice. You will be required to move to your new assignment on the date in your notice, but not prior to April 1, 2025.
Yes. You can choose to move as soon as you receive notification. Please communicate your desire to move to the Parking Office and a permit and access will be provided.
Handicap spaces are available in all Yale parking assets and are used on a first come, first serve basis. If a handicap/ADA space is not regularly available, parkers with accessibility needs may elect to use Yale’s Accessible Transit program. To learn more and sign up for the Accessible Transit program.
Yes, when the new garage comes online, all current Pierson Sage parkers who remain in Yale’s parking system will be offered a space there.
To facilitate access to points of interest on Science Hill, a short-loop shuttle has been established by Yale Transit. The Brown Line begins its route at the Science Park Garage and ends at Lot 22 (260 Whitney Ave). The full loop takes approximately twelve minutes to complete.
Yale Public Safety provides several resources to enhance safety for the campus community. All students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to download the LiveSafe App, which offers access to real-time shuttle maps, walking escort services, lockout assistance, and more.
For those with safety concerns, the walking escort service is available. A Yale security officer will accompany individuals anywhere within the campus footprint, including from the workplace to the parking lot, as long as it is within a reasonable walking distance.
In addition, increased foot patrols have been implemented in and around the Science Park and Science Hill areas to help maintain a secure environment across campus at all times.
Yes. In addition to Yale’s visitor lots, all ungated lots and select gated lots are available and free to park in from 5:00pm to 3:00am, Mondays – Thursdays and from 5:00pm Fridays through 3:00am Mondays. More information and exact locations can be found on the Parking web section.
Assignments will be made based on your preferred lot choices and your position on the list, which is determined by your Date of Hire.
Our intent is to have the construction in Lot 22 complete prior to the demolition of Pierson-Sage Garage. Once construction is finished, there will be sufficient space to accommodate all parkers assigned to Lot 22.
All monthly parkers who are involved in the relocation process will have the opportunity to secure a parking spot in the new garage, regardless of their payment status at the time. The Parking Office will contact everyone via email as the completion of the new garage approaches.
Yes, employees will have priority. Contractors will be reassigned to either Science Park Garage or Howe Street Garage, where there is enough space to accommodate everyone.
If you believe your parking suspension, vacation, or leave of absence has significantly affected your garage usage data, please contact the Parking Office via email at parking@yale.edu.
Please note that EV charging on Yale campus is considered a “secondary service.” If you’d like to be reassigned to a lot with a charging station, make sure to rank those lots as your top preferences. However, please be aware that due to limited availability, you may not receive your top choices, so it’s a good idea to consider alternative options. For more details on this policy, please visit the Electric Vehicle Charging Policy.